Printing the Cue List

You can produce a hard copy list of cues via the Print button in the ribbon bar. This opens a window which displays cue and sub-cue information. You can also copy the information to the Windows clipboard for pasting into Excel or other programs. Facilities available on this Print Cue List window are as follows:

Report Title: This will be printed at the top of the Cue List. It is initialised to the name of your production followed by 'Cue List'. You can change the title as required - this only affects what is printed on the Cue List.

Cue Type Selection: The checkboxes in this panel determine which cue types are to be included in the printed Cue List.

Cue List: Cues of the types selected are displayed in the main grid on this window. You can manipulate this display as explained below. Any changes you make will be remembered for the next time you use this screen.

Adjusting the displayed columns in the Cue List

You can decide which columns you want to display in the Cue List by clicking the menu item Columns and then checking or un-checking fields as required.

Within the Cue List you can adjust individual column widths by dragging the column divider in the header, and you can reposition columns by dragging a column title. For example, to move the Cue Type column so that it is displayed immediately after the Cue column, click and drag the column title 'Cue Type' to the required position immediately after the 'Cue' column title.

Control Buttons

Copy to Windows Clipboard: Click this button to copy the displayed contents to the Windows clipboard. The information is copied in a format that is suitable for pasting into Excel or some similar program.

Print: The Print button will open a Print Dialog for printing the Cue List as currently displayed. In that Print Dialog you can select the printer, orientation (portrait or landscape), the number of copies to be printed, and the font sizes for the Report Header and for the Cue List.

Close: The Close button is used to close the Print Cue List window.

Help: The Help button displays this help.