Starting SCS


We recommend setting up a shortcut on your Windows desktop for starting SCS.

Command Line Parameters

If you start SCS from the command line, batch file, or even a desktop shortcut, then you may add the name of the cue file as a parameter (or 'argument'), eg:

"C:\Program Files\SCS 11\scs11.exe" "C:\Users\Mike\Documents\SCS Files\Show_Monday.scs11"

When scs11.exe is started using the above command line, then the Show_Monday.scs11 cue file will be opened.

Note that where file names or file paths contain spaces then the complete file name must be enclosed in quotes.

Windows Task Scheduler

If SCS is to be run unattended then another possibility is to get the Windows Task Scheduler to start SCS at a set time each day, and possibly with a different cue file each day. Refer to the Microsoft Help on Task Scheduler.

That's OK for starting SCS, but you would also need to be able to kill any current instance of SCS. You can do this with Task Scheduler as well (provided you schedule this prior to the task that starts scs11.exe). Set up a task to run "taskkill /im scs11.exe". Unfortunately this is not a clean shutdown - it would be nicer to let SCS close down properly, but task kill should do the job OK.

Problem Starting SCS?

Occasionally you may find you cannot get SCS started due to some issue with your machine or due to something that happened in your last run of SCS. If you cannot successfully start SCS, then follow the instructions given in the Troubleshooting section Problem Starting SCS.