Cue and Sub-Cue Descriptions
This section explains the difference between Cue Descriptions and Sub-Cue Descriptions.
In SCS 10 every cue is made up of one or more sub-cues, and there is a 'Description' field for the cue and also an equivalent field for each sub-cue. Having these two Description fields (cue and sub-cue) enables you to 'describe' each cue and also each sub-cue, which is particularly useful for cues with multiple sub-cues.
The Description for an audio file sub-cue is initially derived from the 'Title' property in the file header if available, otherwise the Description is initially set to the name of the file without the extension.
On the Run Screen SCS shows:
· one line per cue in the cue list in the upper part of screen.
· every sub-cue in the display panels in the lower part of the screen.
Consequently, the cue description is shown in the cue list, but the sub-cue description is shown in the display panel.
SCS keeps a note of which descriptions are set to their default values, and when editing will propagate the description of the first sub-cue up to the cue unless you have manually altered the cue description.