Re-Number Cues

The Re-Number Cues window can be accessed from the Editor by clicking on the menu option Project / Re-Number Cues. This menu item is disabled if the Production Property 'Cue Labels cannot be changed' is checked.

When the window is opened your entire cue list is displayed under Cue Number Preview.

The other fields available in this window are as follows:

Start re-numbering from this cue: Select from the drop-down list the first cue you want to include in this re-numbering operation. By default, the first cue is selected.

Stop re-numbering at this cue: Select from the drop-down list the last cue you want to include in this re-numbering operation. By default, the last cue is selected.

New cue number for the first cue to be re-numbered: Enter the required new cue number (cue label) for the first cue in the range of cues to be re-numbered. Note that alphabetic-only labels are permitted as explained under Cue in Cue Properties.

Re-numbering increment: You may optionally enter a number here (integer only) that will be used as the increment value when calculating cue numbers. For example, if you enter 5 in this field and you had entered Q100 in the previous field then your new cue numbers will be Q100, Q105, Q110, etc. If you leave the field blank, an increment of 1 is assumed.

View Changes: Click this button to update the Cue Number Preview list with the new cue numbers. Please note that if you want to re-number cues then you must view changes before you click the OK button, as the OK button will implement what is in the Cue Number Preview list.

Tip: You can re-number different ranges of cues as required and view the changes before you click the OK button.

Reset: Click this button to undo all your changes, resetting all the New No's back to the Cue No's.

OK: Click this button to accept the New No's shown in the Cue Number Preview list, and to update your cue list with those new numbers.

Cancel: Click this button to discard any changes to cue numbers..

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