Portability (transferring your files to another computer)

Many SCS users prepare sound files and sound cues on their PC at home or in a studio and then transfer the files to a different PC at the theatre. Operating systems like Windows Vista and XP have directory (or folder) structures that support multiple users and consequently the physical path name of files on your home PC may be different to those on the theatre PC. SCS enables you to easily transfer your files as follows:

The simplest way to transfer your files is to follow these steps: 

1.      Create a Production Folder on your home or studio computer.
On your home or studio PC, start SCS. In the Editor create a Production Folder as explained under Production Folder. This function will save into a folder your cue file (the .scs file) and copies of all the audio, video and image files used in your production. For example, if your production is The Wizard of Oz then you might want to name your Production Folder wizard. It doesn't matter where wizard is located - it could be directly under My Documents or it could be elsewhere.

2.      Copy the Production Folder to a USB memory drive.
Using Windows Explorer, copy the Production Folder (eg wizard) to a USB memory drive. Make sure there is enough room on the USB memory drive for all the audio, video and image files. Alternatively, you could burn the Production Folder to CD or DVD, but using a USB memory drive is much easier.

3.      Remove the USB memory drive or CD/DVD.
If using a USB memory drive you should use the 'Safely Remove Hardware' facility, which is normally activated from an icon in the System Tray (bottom right of your screen).

4.      On your theatre PC copy the Production Folder from your USB memory drive or CD/DVD to the hard disk.
It doesn't matter where you copy this folder to.

5.      If you have not already done so, install SCS on your theatre PC.
This should be installed from the latest download available in the Members' Area of the SCS web site.

6.      Start SCS on your theatre PC and open the cue file (the .scs file) from the Production Folder you have just copied onto this PC.
SCS will find all the audio, video and image files successfully as they are all in the Production Folder (eg wizard).