
Recent Changes

Version 11.10.5 (September 2024)

  • Significantly reduced the number of entries recorded in the log file - which had increased in SCS 11.10.3.
  • A double-click on a cue in the main window no longer automatically opens the Editor if the current Operational Mode is Rehearsal or Performance. A double-click now only opens the Editor if the current Operational Mode is Design (which is the default Operational Mode).
  • See also the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum.

Version 11.10.4 (September 2024)

  • There was a bug in SCS 11.10.3 (only) that could cause SCS to die when executing an Audio File cue that contains a loop, where the 'Loop Start' position is earlier than the 'Start At' position.
  • See also the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum.

Version 11.10.3 (September 2024)

  • A new action is available in SFR cues: 'Cancel Repeat'. For Playlist or Video/Image cues that have 'Repeat' selected, this SFR action will cancel the repeat so that the Playlist or Video/Image Cue will complete when it reaches the end of the current cycle.
  • If a Control Send Network Device has 'Remote Device' set to 'Other OSC Device' then a new field is displayed: 'OSC Version', from which you can select either 'OSC 1.0' or 'OSC 1.1'. Messages sent using this Network device will be properly formatted to comply with OSC 1.0 or OSC 1.1 standards. The 'Inter Message Delay' is not displayed as no delay is required.
  • Cue Control Network Devices and Remote App OSC devices now accept both OSC 1.0 and OSC 1.1 messages.
  • The 'Max. Screen No.' Display Option has been removed as it is no longer considered useful.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.10.2 (May 2024)

  • Added BCR2000 and BCF2000 SCS Faders support for controlling the device levels of the first currently-playing audio file sub-cue, ie giving you BCR2000/BCF2000 control of the device levels shown in the cue panels.
  • The copy and paste buttons for DMX Items in Lighting Cues are now re-enabled where appropriate. The buttons for Entry Type 'DMX Items' had been disabled in SCS
  • With ENTTEC DMX USB PRO devices, the format of the serial number that SCS interrogates has changed in recent devices. SCS now accepts this changed format (as well as continuing to accept older formats).
  • The 'Move to Time' feature (M2T) now also supports cues and sub-cues activated 'on cue marker'.
  • In addition to SCSremote, SCS now supports any app that can communicate with SCS using OSC network messages. To use this, select 'OSC App' as the Remote App in Options / Remote App Interface.
  • When selecting a VST Plugin for an Audio File Cue, you can now select 'Same Plugin as ' eg 'Same Plugin as Q204'. This is useful if you want to apply the same effect to multiple cues, and during development you need to make some adjustments to the VST effect.
  • If you have multiple audio output devices used in an Audio File Cue then you can now temporarily link selected devices and adjust their levels manually, applying the same dB adjustment to each selected device.
  • Performance improvement in VU meter handling, particularly with regard to VU meter displays for video cues.
  • MIDI Control Send messages to be sent to an 'A&H SQ Series' remote device now support 'Recall Scene' numbers up to 300. Previously the limit was 100.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.10.1 (January 2024)

  • Fixed a bug in SCS 11.10.0 that could cause memory errors in the Editor / Production Properties / Devices for license levels that do not support certain device types, such as Live Inputs.
  • See the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details of a couple of other fixes.

Version 11.10.0 (January 2024)

  • Art-Net and sACN are now supported for Lighting Cues.
  • SCS Cue Markers are now available for Video File Cues as well as for Audio File Cues. The editing screen for Video File Cues has been enhanced to include an audio graph in which cue markers may be added or edited.
  • In Production Properties / Devices, the number of device entries displayed for each device type was fixed according to the limit available with the license level. To improve efficiency these displays are now dynamically sized.
  • The Korg nanoKONTROL2 can now also be used for controlling SCS Faders. This enhancement includes a 'preset' that enables you to control the device levels of the first currently-playing audio file sub-cue, ie giving you nanoKONTROL2 control of the device levels shown in the cue panels.
  • In the Editor you can now call an external editor to edit audio, video or image files. In Editing Options you select the external editors you wish to use.
  • For cues with an Activation method of 'Callable Cue', any parameters supplied were previously only supported by subordinate Lighting sub-cues and MIDI Control Send sub-cues. Callable cue parameters may now also be used in fade times of subordinate Audio File sub-cues, Level Change sub-cues, and SFR sub-cues. A pop-up help message advising you of the available fields can be displayed by hovering the mouse over a question mark (?) indicator to the right of the callable cue parameters field.
  • An updated version of the 'Control Send Remote Device' file is included which includes MIDI support for the A&H dLive and Avantis consoles and for the Behringer WING.
  • A hotkey may now activated by clicking on the hotkey in the hotkey list, if the appropriate Run Time setting is selected. This is primarily designed for controlling SCS remotely from a device that displays the SCS screen but not (easily) a keyboard.
  • The audio graph display in the editor for Audio File cues will now display a notification message if the length of the audio file exceeds the maximum length set in Editing Options, instead of just showing blank.
  • The default value for 'Minimum Audible Audio Level' in Production Properties / Run Time Settings has been changed back to -75dB following reports from some users of fades not working properly with the previous default of -160dB. They were 'working properly' but much of the fade was inaudible with the equipment (eg speakers) being used.
  • When using SoundMan-Server (SM-S), SCS Platinum users may set a cue's Activation Method to 'Linear Time Code' (LTC) with playback of the cue's Audio File(s) locked to incoming LTC received by a dedicated Live Input device.
  • HTTP processing has been redesigned to support additional external equipment, such as WLED controllers.
  • The maximum number of 'Favorites' in the editor's toolbar has been increased from 6 to 8.
  • Group Cues: Although SCS does not support 'Group Cues', the Help file explains how common scenarios for this requirement can be met by using 'Enable/Disable Cues'. See 'Group Cues' under 'Miscellaneous' in the Help for details.
  • There are more changes and also bug fixes - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.8 (January 2023)

  • The Bulk Edit screen now shows the Activation method (eg Manual, 1.00 ae Prev, etc) for all field types to be changed, except for 'Audio Levels' which continues to show Device in that column.
  • The SoundMan-Server option to force audio processing onto a single processor has been removed.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.7 (December 2022)

  • The keyboard double-click timeout now also applies to network cue control 'Go' commands.
  • The SCS Scribble Strip feature available for selected Control Send Remote Devices (such as Behringer SQ series mixers) now supports naming scenes.
  • Support for X32 Theatre Control was added in SCS 11.8.5. This product has been re-launched as TheatreMix, so the corresponding descriptions have been changed in SCS. TheatreMix supports more console brands and models. No changes are required to your cue files.
  • If you create a cue file on, say, your home computer, and then load this cue file the first time onto your theatre computer, then previously you would receive a message from SCS that no device map file could be found for that cue file and that a new device map file would be created. If no device map file for that cue file can be found on that computer, SCS now first of all looks for a compatible device map file and uses that to create the new device map file. 'Compatible' means that device types and names in the cue file must all exist in the device map. This also extends to fixture codes in lighting devices. SCS sorts the device map information to assist in locating the 'best match' device map. This enhancement means that your new cue file will inherit the same device map assignments, such as audio driver, audio device physical device assignments, lighting fixture DMX channels, control send ports, etc.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.6 (November 2022)

  • When creating or editing an Audio File Cue or a Playlist Cue, the 'Other Actions' button now includes options to trim all below -75dB or -60dB from the start/end of the file, in addition to the previously supported trim all below -45dB or -30dB levels.
  • MIDI Control Send Cues that use a Behringer X32 'Remote Device' can now also set Channel and DCA colors (sending scribble strip names is not yet supported).
  • Network Control Send devices in Production Properties may now be marked as 'Connect when required'. This will cause the device to be connected when it is first required by a Network Control Send Cue, if the device is not immediately available.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.5 (August 2022)

  • MIDI Control Send device support for 'Behringer X32 Digital Mixer' as a 'Remote Device' now includes GoCue, and the number ranges for GoScene and GoSnippet have been corrected (0-99 instead of 1-100). Additional fader levels are also supported, including AuxIn, FXRtn, and others.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.4 (August 2022)

  • MIDI Control Send devices now support 'Behringer X32 Digital Mixer' as a 'Remote Device'. Note that you will need an X-UF or X-USB expansion card installed in the X32 to use this feature.
  • For SCS Platinum users, the maximum number of Control Send devices supported in Production Properties has been increased from 16 to 64.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.3 (July 2022)

  • This is a bug-fix release - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.2 (June 2022)

  • This is a bug-fix release - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.1 (May 2022)

  • In Production Properties / Video Capture devices you may now select the video format, eg 'MJPG 1280x720 (5 to 30 fps)', and Frame Rate. Setting these may improve video capture performance.
  • In Options / General, the maximum values for 'Max. No. of Audio Files to Pre-Open' and 'Max. No. of Video/Image Files to Pre-Open' have both been increased to 99. The default values remain unchanged, at 40 and 20 respectively.
  • In the Editor's display of Audio File Cues, there are now '+' and '-' buttons under Audio Devices to enable you to easily insert or remove audio devices from the cue.
  • A new type of Hotkey has been added: 'Step'. This enables you to have multiple cues assigned to the same hotkey, and SCS will 'step' through those cues one at a time for each press of the hotkey.
  • The 'Page Up' (PgUp) and 'Page Down' (PgDn) keys may now be used for Hotkeys as they are the only keys supported by some wireless presenter clickers. However, if you use PgUp or PgDn for a Hotkey then this will override the corresponding action on the main cue list.
  • The number of cue entries supported in a single Enable/Disable Cue has been increased from 5 to 10.
  • Animated images (eg animated GIF's) may now be faded in, faded out, and cross-faded.
  • The Operational Mode (Design, Rehearsal or Performance) can now be changed from the main window using a new menu item under the 'View' toolbar button.
  • Chinese is now available as a language choice in Options / General.
  • In 'Print Cue List' you may now choose 'Manual Cues Only'. This can be useful if the printed cue list is to help you run the cues for the show.
  • When using Cue Markers, 'Prev Cue Marker' and 'Next Cue Marker' are now available via a MIDI Cue Control device.
  • The 'Test Tone' feature in Production Properties / Audio Output Devices now supports pink noise as well as sine wave. The feature also now enables you to pan the test if the device is assigned two channels.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.9.0 (February 2022)

  • You can now set a non-default Playback Rate, Tempo or Pitch for an Audio File sub-cue. Playback Rate affects both Tempo and Pitch, whereas setting Tempo will affect Tempo only and leave the Pitch unchanged, and setting Pitch will affect Pitch only and leave Tempo unchanged.
  • The Action of a Level Change sub-cue now allows you to select Playback Rate, Tempo or Pitch if the target sub-cue is an Audio File sub-cue. This enables you to change the Playback Rate, Tempo or Pitch sometime after the start of playback of that Audio File sub-cue. A Duration property is also available so you can, for example, slow down or speed up playback over several seconds.
  • Callable Cues may now have parameters which are passed when a 'Call Cue' cue type calls that callable cue. Currently only Lighting Cues and MIDI Control Send Cues accept parameters, and these only for selected fields. However, other cue types will be enhanced later to support parameters.
  • If a cue has an Activation Method of MIDI Time Code then you can now have sub-cues of that cue set to start by 'Relative Time Code'.
  • If an Audio File cue has Cue Markers or Cue Points then subsequent sub-cues within that same cue may now be set to start 'On Cue Marker', specifying a cue marker (or cue point) within that audio file sub-cue.
  • Animated GIF's are now supported in Video/Image Cues. Some restrictions apply.
  • When using the Primary/Backup feature, the Backup did not report an error if the connection to the Primary failed. This could occur, for example, if the Backup's 'IP Address of Primary' was incorrect. SCS now reports if the connection fails, and one of the options provided is to change (ie correct) the IP Address that the Backup is trying to connect to.
  • When using the Primary/Backup feature, SCS now displays a warning message in the Backup if the Primary is running a different version of SCS.
  • When using the Primary/Backup feature, there is now an option for the Backup to ignore incoming network Cue Control messages (except for those sent by the Primary).
  • Lighting fixtures may now be assigned multiple DMX Start Channels. This is primarily designed for audience lighting in venues with separate DMX channels for audience lighting in different areas of the theatre, such as stalls, upper and lower balconies, etc. If all performances will require the same selection of audience lighting DMX channels, then you can create a single 'fixture' for audience lighting, and assign all of the associated DMX channels to this fixture.
  • The editor panel for editing Lighting cues now has a fixture-level 'Include' checkbox, enabling you to quickly include or exclude all channels for the selected fixture. This is useful if you just want to include a few channels of a multi-channel fixture - just exclude all channels and then include then few you need.
  • DMX channels are no longer blacked out (set to zero) on closing SCS.
  • If you have Lighting Cues and you manually select the next cue in the main window, eg by clicking on a cue in the cue list, SCS attempts to calculate the DMX values that would be active immediately prior to your playing that next cue. This is ideal for rehearsals if the director wants to rehearse a part of a scene - possibly several times. For more information, see 'Run Time Note' under the Lighting Cues topic.
  • MIDI Control Send support for various external ('remote') devices such as Allen&Heath Qu and SQ mixers (added in 11.8.5) has been enhanced to include extra controls, including setting channel FX and DCA levels.
  • A new Operational Mode has been added: Rehearsal Mode. You can have different Display Options and Cue List Columns for Design Mode, Rehearsal Mode and Performance Mode.
  • A Display Option has been added to 'Request Confirmation of Cue Click in Main Window'. If set then when you click on a cue in the main window's cue list, SCS will ask you to confirm the action, with an option to not ask again in the current session. This has been added to reduce the likelihood of accidentally 'clicking' on a cue during a live production, an issue that can easily occur if the laptop's trackpad has not been disabled. This option is set by default for Rehearsal Mode and Performance Mode, but not for Design Mode.
  • In Performance Mode the default Display Option for Toolbar Buttons has been changed from 'Hide toolbar' to 'Performance buttons only'. 'Performance buttons' are Go, Pause, Stop, Fade, Load, Options, View and Help.
  • As previously advised, Live Input Cues require SoundMan-Server. However, it is now possible to assign a Dummy Live Input physical device to Live Input logical devices, which can then be used with any SCS audio driver, such as DirectSound. This will enable you to create and edit Live Input Cues on a computer that does not have SoundMan-Server installed or loaded, although you obviously will not be able to fully test these cues when using dummy devices.
  • The font used for the Editor's Cue List can now be selected in Options / Editing Options. The default is font size 9 normal. Previously the font size was 9 bold and could not be changed.
  • There are now Display Options to show a Cue's MIDI Cue Number in 'Next Manual Cue' and the Cue Panels.
  • 'Print Cue List' now shows the calculated total length of all cues selected for printing.
  • Network Cue Control devices that receive OSC messages may now accept relative adjustments to the Master Fader and Audio Device Faders, eg -1.5 will lower the nominated fader by 1.5dB.
  • In previous versions of SCS, a MIDI Cue Control device could be set up with a 'Cue Control Command' to control the Master Fader (as well as various other functions). The list of 'Cue Control Commands' has been expanded to include Output Faders for each audio output device, and the DMX Master. This means you should now be able to control these faders from an external device such as the PreSonus ATOM, and various other controllers. These MIDI Cue Control commands will be recognized by the Faders window, in addition to the current presets of BCR2000 and BCF2000.
  • An 'Automatic Checks for Update' option has been added under Options / General.
  • The Option 'Swap monitors 1 and 2' has been extended to support swapping monitor 1 with any other connected monitor.
  • When editing an Audio File Cue you can now shift-double-click on the audio graph to create a standard level point at the mouse click position.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.8.5 (August 2021)

  • Added MIDI Control Send support for various external ('remote') devices such as Allen&Heath Qu and SQ mixers, Yamaha LS mixers, and others. See 'Control Send - MIDI Remote Device' in the Help for details.
  • Added X32 Theatre Control to the list of Remote Devices supported under Production Properties / Devices / Cue Control - Network In, and / Control Send - Network Out.
  • The message box that was displayed when SCS loses focus has been dropped. SCS will now just display a warning message in the status line of the main window, although even that may be suppressed (as before) by a Production Property Run Time setting.
  • In Production Properties / Fixture Types, the 'Fixture Type Detail' and 'Fixture Type Channels' panel tabs have been combined to make it easier to see all the details at once, and to reduce the likelihood of omitting significant channel details.
  • Lighting Cues now support different 'fade up' and 'fade down' times, Previously there was just a 'fade time' that was used for both 'fade up' and 'fade down'. Cross-fades can be improved by entering a longer time for the fade down.
  • A new Cue Activation Method of 'External Fader' has been added, initially for Lighting Cues. This enables the Lighting Cue to be activated, de-activated, faded up and down manually under the control of an external fader such as a nanoKONTROL MIDI controller, or a Behringer BCF2000 or BCR2000. See 'Lighting Control by External Fader' in the Help for details.
  • Improved the performance of image cues in cue files that do not contain any video fades.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version (March 2021)

  • A 'Move to Time (M2T)' property has been added to MIDI Control Send Devices in Production Properties to indicate that when applying M2T then control send messages set to fire before the nominated M2T should not be sent.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version 11.8.4 (March 2021)

  • A 'Move to Time' feature is now available, which is designed for use during rehearsals (not during live performances). This feature allows you to start a cue part-way through, and SCS will synchronize any sub-cues and associated auto-start cues so that the cue may be correctly started from that point. See 'Move to Time' in the Help for more information. ('Move to Time' is only available under SCS Professional Plus and higher licenses.)
  • When a 'Go To' cue is played, the cue list will be repositioned at the target cue and by default that cue will then be started. There is now an option in the 'Go To' cue properties to indicate that the target cue must NOT be started.
  • Up to ten Time Profiles may be set up in Production Properties. The limit was previously four Time Profiles.
  • Network Cue Control now supports an OSC command to set the fader level of a specified Audio Output device.
  • Some timing improvements to MTC Cue processing.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version (January 2021)

  • The main window's control panel main now be placed at the bottom of the screen if required. The control panel position can be changed under Display Options.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version (December 2020)

  • An MTC cue or sub-cue linked to an Audio File cue or sub-cue is now accurately synced.
  • Control Send cues now support the Yamaha MIDI NRPN format, which differs from the standard MIDI NRPN format. In the Yamaha format the NRPN LSB component appears before the NRPN MSB component.
  • MIDI Cue Control devices with Control Method 'MIDI Machine Control (MMC)' may now optionally have the MMC 'Stop' command implemented in SCS as 'Fade All' instead of 'Stop All'.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version (October 2020)

  • Reinstated the 'Aspect' property in Video/Image Cues.
  • Previously, the minimum audio level before audio is cut out was -75dB. You can now select -75dB, -120dB or -160dB in the new Production Properties / Run Time Setting Minimum Audible Audio Level. For new cue files this defaults to -160dB, but as changing this setting could affect fade-out times of existing Audio File Cues the -75dB minimum is retained for cue files last saved prior to this version. The Minimum Audible Audio Level is now saved in the cue file.
  • New Editor Keyboard Shortcuts are available when editing audio file cues, video cues and playlist cues, to Skip Back 2 Seconds or Skip Forward 2 Seconds for each press of the keyboard shortcut. The default assignments are Shift+F8 (skip back) and Shift+F9 (skip forward).
  • The Keyboard Shortcuts for Skip to Previous Cue Marker and Skip to Next Cue Marker are now available for audio file cues that do not have cue markers. Skip to Previous Cue Marker will skip to the start of the cue if there is no cue marker (or no previous cue marker), and Skip to Next Cue Marker will skip to the end of the cue if there is no cue marker (or no next cue marker).
  • A new 'Stop MTC' action is available in SFR Cues, which can be used to stop and complete currently-playing MTC cues. Also applies to LTC cues if applicable.
  • In the DMX Display Window you can now change the display from 'Universe (all 512 channels)' to 'All Fixtures'. The 'All Fixtures' selection will show the DMX channel values for each Fixture.
  • When setting up Fixture Types in Production Properties, you can now select a 'DMX Grid Text Color' that will be used in the DMX Display Window.
  • The feature added in 11.8.3 to include VU meters for video file audio is now an optional setting, and by default this is disabled. This is because a few users reported poor audio quality of video cues, which was found to be due to the constant audio peak monitoring. If you do not have any such issues, then you can turn this feature on under Options / Video Driver.
  • Lighting Cues may now be built from captured DMX. This enables you to reproduce in SCS a lighting cue originally created using a lighting board or other software.
  • Added 'vMix' as a Remote Device for Control Send Network Devices. This simplifies setting up the device type properties and Control Send Cues for controlling vMix from SCS.
  • The 'Visual Warning' available to provide a highly-visible count down to the end of a cue now also supports 'Cue position', 'Cue position plus option time offset', and 'File position'. (The latter two are only available for Audio File Cues.)
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version (June 2020)

  • Fixed a bug in 11.8.3 regarding video/image displays when only the primary screen is available.

Version 11.8.3 (June 2020)

  • The minimum Windows version supported is now Windows 7.
  • The latest version of the TVideoGrabber (TVG) video playback library is included.
  • The video playback libraries xVideo and DirectShow have been removed.
  • The SCS setup file that includes LAV Filters includes the latest version of LAV Filters (included with permission). Also, LAV Filters is now installed 'silently', ie without displaying option dialogs.
  • Changes have been made to screen handling for video/image cues. As a result of this, the following Video Driver Options have been removed as they are no longer required: 'Use 2D Drawing Library for Still Images' (they are now displayed using the video playback library), and 'Apply DPI Context Awareness to fix Incorrect Video Image Sizes'.
  • A Video Driver Option has been added for 'Hardware Acceleration GPU'.
  • In Video/Image Cues, the 'Aspect' field has been removed. The 'original' aspect ratio is now always used.
  • The VU Meter display in the main window now includes VU meters for video audio devices.
  • A 'Fade All' (Shift+Esc) button has been added to the main window toolbar.
  • Control Send Cues using a Network device may now select UTF8 as an Entry Mode. Entering the message is the same as for ASCII, but when the message is sent SCS will encode the message as UTF8, which is the encoding required by some devices or products, such as CasparCG Server.
  • There is now an option under Options/Shortcuts to allow hotkeys to be played even when an exclusive cue is playing.
  • The 'Run External Program' cue type now has an option to run the program in invisible mode, which enables SCS to retain focus. This is useful if you not need to see any window displayed by the run program.
  • The toolbars in the main window and the editor have been upgraded as the first step towards designing a new user interface.
  • Fixed some bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version (March 2020)

  • 'Find Cue' (Ctrl+F) now includes 'When Required' in the search.
  • Disabled Audio File Cues and Sub-Cues may now be played in the Editor.
  • Lighting Cues now also support an entry type of 'DMX Items', which supports the pre-SCS 11.8 method of entering DMX values, eg "PAR1,PAR2:1@20,2-3@25, PAR3:1@100".
  • Fixture Types now support up to 48 DMX channels per Fixture Type (previously 32).
  • When editing a Playlist Cue there is now a menu item under 'Other Actions' to 'Remove ALL files from this Playlist'. This is useful if you are building a new show's cue file from an existing cue file and want to change the pre-show music PlayList.
  • MIDI Control Send Cues may now be set up to send MIDI NRPN messages. If you are currently using MIDI Free Format messages to send NRPN then on reading your cue file SCS will ask you if you wish to have these converted to NRPN messages.
  • Control Send Cues may now have a short 'Item Description' entered against each item.
  • Fixed a few bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

Version (January 2020)

  • Revised the 'Lost Focus' warning message, and added an option to the corresponding Production Properties Run Time Settings to not display the pop-up dialog.
  • Cue Control by external MTC (MIDI Time Code) now accepts MTC without full frame messages. Previously, an MTC full frame message had to be received before SCS would check MTC time codes against cue start MTC times.
  • Keyboard shortcuts have been added for 'skip to previous cue marker' and 'skip to next cue marker'. The default shortcut keys are Ctrl+9 and Ctrl+0 respectively. (See 'Audio File Cue Points and Markers' in the Help for more information.)
  • The ability to link audio files (so they start, stop or be repositioned in sync) has been extended to include video files. However, note that video file linking is not as precise as audio file linking due to the different playback library used.
  • Fixed a few bugs - see the Release Notice in the SCS General Forum for details.

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