Favorite SCS Cue Files


If you have some SCS cue files that you use frequently, then you can keep them in your 'Favorite Cue Files' list. The feature has been included primarily for musicians who use SCS for backing tracks and show automation, but Favorites may be used for any SCS cue files.

There are basically two uses of a 'Favorites' list:

Your Favorite Cue Files may be 'show files' containing tracks for specific types and lengths of show. For example, you could have a show file for weddings, another show file for 1-hour gigs, another for 2-hour gigs, and so on. For this use of 'Favorites' you would open the required favorite cue file for the type of show or event you are performing at.

Your Favorite Cue Files may be master cue lists containing cues you frequently want to import into other cue files. For example, if you are a musician or singer wanting to build a cue file for a particular show, then you could create an new cue file and import selected cues from a master cue list identified in your Favorites.

Favorite SCS Cue Files can be accessed from the Open Favorite / Manage option and button in the Load Production window, and from Import Cues from another SCS Cue File in the Editor. Up to 20 cue files may be recorded in your Favorites list.

A Favorite file may alternatively be opened directly from the main SCS window using a keyboard command. The keyboard command for opening 'Favorite File #1' is defined in Key Mapping, and the default is Ctrl/Shift/A. Subsequent keys open subsequent favorite files, eg Ctrl/Shift/B will open #2, Ctrl/Shift/C will open #3, and so on. You could use these keyboard assignments with the pok wireless remote control pedal board available from X-Tempo (www.xtempozone.com).

The Favorite SCS Cue Files window will look something like this:

'Favorite File' Actions

Favorite SCS Cue Files: This list shows your Favorite Files. Click on an entry in this list to see the full path name of the file, and/or to select the file for acting on with the buttons on the right.

Open Selected File: Opens the selected (highlighted) file. Any changes you have made to the Favorite Files list will be saved, and the Favorite Files window will be closed.

Insert File: Opens the Windows file bowser window to enable you to find an SCS Cue File that you want to add to your list of Favorites. The selected file will be inserted into the list before the highlighted entry, and the remainder of the list will be pushed down to accommodate the new entry. Note that this operation only adds a file to the Favorites list - it does not open the inserted cue file.

Insert Current File: Adds your currently open SCS Cue File to your list of Favorites. The file will be inserted into the list before the highlighted entry, and the remainder of the list will be pushed down to accommodate the new entry.

Clear Entry: This button removes the highlighted file from the list but just leaves the entry blank and does not compact the remainder of the list. This means that any following files in the list will retain their current Favorite File # (number) which may be important if you are using Shortcuts to open specific files.

Remove Entry: This button removes the highlighted file from the list and moves the remainder of the list up one row.

Saving your Favorites

Any changes you have made to Favorite SCS Cue Files will be saved when you click Open Selected File, OK or Apply. To cancel any changes, click the Cancel button.

Your Favorite Files list is stored in a 'User Preferences' file so is not copied to other computers when you copy SCS Cue Files or Production Folders to other computers.

See also how Favorite Files can be opened from Keyboard Shortcuts or from Cue Control Devices - MIDI.