Control Send - RS232
RS232 Control Send Cues are only available with SCS Professional and higher license levels.
The table below explains the fields available for RS232 messages in Control Send cues.
Entry Mode: When you setup an RS232 message you may enter the message as an ASCII string, as Hex values, or as ASCII+CTL, which is ASCII plus control characters enclosed in angle brackets. The ASCII mode is most suitable for RS232 messages that are humanly readable such as "Off(5)", and the Hex mode if values to be sent are not based on regular text. The ASCII+CTL is useful if you have messages that are humanly readable but also need common control characters, such STX. To enter one of the control characters, enclose the code in angle brackets. For example, <STX> will transmit 02H. The complete list of recognized control characters is given below. Add CR (0DH) to end of Message? This checkbox is primarily intended for the ASCII Entry Mode but also applies to the Hex Entry Mode. If the checkbox is checked (which is the default setting) then a "Carriage Return" (0DH) will be added to the end of the message. Add LF (0AH) to end of Message? This checkbox is primarily intended for the ASCII Entry Mode but also applies to the Hex Entry Mode. If the checkbox is checked (which is the default setting) then a "Line Feed" (0AH) will be added to the end of the message. RS232 Message: Enter the message required. If you have selected the Hex Entry Mode then SCS only accepts hex characters (0-9 and A-F) and spaces. Spaces are ignored in Hex mode when building the message so can be included for legibility. |
Code |
Hex |
<NUL> |
00 |
<SOH> |
01 |
<STX> |
02 |
<ETX> |
03 |
<EOT> |
04 |
<ENQ> |
05 |
<ACK> |
06 |
<BEL> |
07 |
<BS> |
08 |
<TAB> |
09 |
<LF> |
0A |
<VT> |
0B |
<FF> |
0C |
<CR> |
0D |
<SO> |
0E |
<SI> |
0F |
<DLE> |
10 |
<DC1> |
11 |
<DC2> |
12 |
<DC3> |
13 |
<DC4> |
14 |
<NAK> |
15 |
<SYN> |
16 |
<ETB> |
17 |
<CAN> |
18 |
<EM> |
19 |
<SUB> |
1A |
<ESC> |
1B |
<FS> |
1C |
<GS> |
1D |
<RS> |
1E |
<US> |
1F |
<DEL> |
7F |