The Editor
The following sections are included under this topic:
•Starting and Using the Editor
•Editor Toolbar
•Editor Sidebar and Cue List
•Undoing, Redoing and Saving Your Changes
•Production Properties
•Audio Output Devices
•Video Audio Devices
•Video Capture Devices
•Live Inputs
•Input Groups
•Fixture Types
•Lighting Devices - DMX
•Control Send Devices - MIDI
•Control Send Devices - RS232
•Control Send Devices - Network
•Control Send Devices - HTTP
•Cue Control Devices - MIDI
•Cue Control Devices - RS232
•Cue Control Devices - Network
•Cue Control Devices - DMX
•Time Profiles
•Run Time Settings
•Import Devices from another SCS Cue File
•Cue Properties
•Time-Based Cues
•Callable Cues
•Standby Cues
•Re-Number Cues
•Cue-Start Confirmation
•Hotkey Banks
•Cue Types
•Audio File Cues
•Live Input Cues
•Stop / Fade-Out / Release (SFR) Cues
•Level Change Cues
•Playlist Cues
•Video/Image Cues
•Lighting Cues
•Control Send Cues
•MTC Cues
•Note Cues
•Memo Cues
•Go To Cues
•Set Position Cues
•'Call Cue' Cues
•Run External Program Cues
•Enable/Disable Cues
•Collect Production Files
•Bulk Edit Cues
•Copy Properties from another Cue or Sub-Cue
•Copy, Move or Delete a Range of Cues
•Drag and Drop
•Import Cues from another SCS Cue File
•Import Cues from a CSV File
•Export Cues to a new SCS Cue File